Thursday, July 19, 2012

Garlic and White Wine Sauted Asparagus

Makes 2-4 servings

*1 bunch asparagus
*2 Tablespoons butter
*black pepper
*3 garlic cloves, pressed or minced
*white wine


Rinse the asparagus and pat dry with paper towels.  Take one asparagus and holding it by the ends with each hand, bend the asparagus until in breaks naturally.  Throw the bottom part away.  Line the top of the snapped piece of asparagus up with the rest of the tops of the other asparagus.  Use the snapped asparagus as a template to cut off the rest of the ends of the other asparagus.  Discard ends.

Heat a skillet on medium heat.  Add the butter until melted.  Add the asparagus to the pan and season with salt and pepper.  Saute for a few minutes.  Add the garlic and saute for one minute.  Add a splash of white wine to deglaze the pan.  Saute until the alcohol cooks out--a couple of minutes.